It all started as a hobby at a very young age, initially driving and repairing r/c cars with my first car being the T-MAXX, which I got in 2001 at the age of 14. T-MAXX was the evolution, that brought forward the next generation of r/c monster trucks and thats why it is the best selling r/c truck of all times. As more and more aftermarket parts for the T-MAXX were becoming available on the market, people would custom build their trucks into full aluminium monsters. I was really intrigued by these trucks and decided that one day I would build my very own full, aluminium T-MAXX. It was then that I realised that my true passion for the hobby, turned out to be more for building custom r/c cars than actually driving them.
I always loved the idea of designing and producing my own aftermarket parts for the T-MAXX but it was something out of reach, it was just a dream with a pile of ideas that would come and go through out the years. It was only during my University studies that these thoughts became stronger and more frequent therefore I started searching the internet, contacting CNC and injection moulding companies when I finally came upon a world of endless creativity, that is 3D printing technologies...